Switching companies across environments in Business Central

New feature that will be added with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

In my last blog post i talked about the country and region expatiation of the Business Central product that will come with the 2022 Release Wave release that we expect to be released in October 2022.
But for multinational organizations that is not the only improvement that will easy their operation.

To better assist companies and users in complex SMB organisations the next release will make it easier to get an overview of the environments and companies you have access to.

The key features in this functionality will be:

  • Visual cues in the app bar help to quickly understand which company and environment you are currently working in.
  • Activate the company switcher pane from anywhere in Business Central, either from the app bar or using a keyboard shortcut.
  • Search for companies you have access to, grouped by environment including production and sandbox environments within your organization.
  • Switch company in the current browser tab, or open the selected company in a new tab to multitask or compare data side by side.
Sample screenshot of how the new feature will look.

This shows how the screen will look like when you have access to different environments and companies.
Microsoft will soon launch the preview version Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Release Wave 2 2022. Then both end users and Dynamics Partner will get the chance to explore all the new features including this one. That gives us a change to be familiar with the new functionality before our production environments will be upgraded.

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